ECOWAS Court dismisses case against Agyapa deal

The Government of Ghana (GoG) was the target of a lawsuit from the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice (CCJ) that questioned the legality of the so-called “Agyapa deal,” or Gold Royalties Monetization Transaction, arrangement. In December 2020, Transparency International, the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), and the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) brought the government before the […]

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17 defunct public enterprises to be disposed of, others to be listed on stock exchange

According to the Ministry of Public Enterprises, 17 closed state-owned businesses will be sold. These organisations include, among others, the State Construction Company, the Bonsa Tyre Factory, and the Bolgatanga Meat Factory. A review of the companies, according to the Ministry, showed that the businesses are liabilities to the nation because they have been costing […]

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