“Kenyan Police to Tackle Violent Gangs in Haiti with UN Approval”

African News

In a significant move aimed at addressing the ongoing issue of violent gangs involved in kidnapping and murder in Haiti, the Kenyan Police Force is set to lend its support. This intervention has gained approval from the United Nations (UN), signifying a collaborative effort to restore stability to the troubled nation.

Kenyan Senator Samson Cherargei has expressed the country’s commitment to assisting Haiti in its journey toward prosperity. He likened the mission to a promise of providing the nation with the bounties of “milk and honey.”

The offer of support from Kenya was initially made in July when the country proposed the deployment of 1,000 troops to Haiti. This step underscores Kenya’s dedication to aiding Haiti in curbing the escalating violence perpetrated by criminal gangs.

With the backing of the UN, this joint effort is poised to combat the grave security challenges that have plagued Haiti in recent times. The deployment of Kenyan troops is expected to contribute significantly to the restoration of peace and security in the nation, offering hope for a brighter future for the people of Haiti.