The government has paid off all outstanding debts owed to specific bondholders– Finance Ministry

Business & Financial

According to the Ministry of Finance, all outstanding principle and coupon arrears for individual bondholders as of June 19th have been paid in full.

This occurs at a time when bondholders had vowed to picket today, Tuesday, July 11, outside the Finance Ministry in order to demand the payment of unpaid principal and coupons.

According to their allegations, the government violated the payment schedule stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that it had signed with the Coalition of Individual Bondholders Groups (CIBG).

The Ministry of Finance in a statement issued on Monday, July 10 said “The Ministry of Finance takes this opportunity to thank all bondholders for their continuous support during this period of tight liquidity.

“Government is confident that in working with all stakeholders, we shall restore macroeconomic stability, achieve inclusive economic growth, and transform the Republic.”