The iPhone 15 Back Glass breaking and here is why

Tech and Science Trending News

The release of the iPhone 15 has been met with great excitement and anticipation, as Apple enthusiasts around the world eagerly embrace the latest offering from the tech giant. While the iPhone 15 boasts numerous improvements and innovative features, one aspect that has raised concerns among users is the durability of its back glass.

The iPhone 14, its predecessor, was celebrated for its robust build quality, particularly in the context of its back glass. Underneath the sleek glass exterior of the iPhone 14, there was a reinforcing metal plate that added an extra layer of sturdiness and protection. This design choice significantly contributed to the device’s durability and resistance to damage.

However, with the iPhone 15, Apple has opted for a different approach. Instead of incorporating a metal plate underneath the back glass, the metal plate is now placed directly on the phone itself. This seemingly minor alteration has significant implications for the device’s overall durability.

1. Reduced Impact Absorption:

The presence of a metal plate beneath the back glass in the iPhone 14 acted as a shock absorber, dispersing the force of impacts across a wider surface area. This design feature helped minimize the risk of the back glass shattering upon impact. In contrast, the iPhone 15’s design, with the metal plate directly on the phone, offers less impact absorption, making it more susceptible to cracks and breaks when dropped.

2. Increased Vulnerability to Stress:

The iPhone 15’s metal plate being on the phone itself potentially exposes it to more stress and bending during everyday use. This added stress can weaken the glass and increase the likelihood of it breaking, especially under pressure or during minor mishandling.

3. Repair Challenges:

Repairing a shattered back glass on any iPhone model is never a straightforward task, often requiring professional expertise and specialized equipment. However, the design shift in the iPhone 15 may make repairs more complicated and costly, as the metal plate is now directly integrated into the phone’s structure.

4. Protective Cases and Bumper Considerations:

Users who rely on protective cases or bumpers to shield their iPhones from potential damage may need to be extra cautious with the iPhone 15. The absence of the metal plate beneath the back glass may mean that these accessories provide less protection compared to earlier iPhone models.

While the iPhone 15 undoubtedly offers a range of exciting features and enhancements, it’s important for users to be aware of the changes in its design, particularly when it comes to its back glass durability. Apple’s decision to place the metal plate directly on the phone itself, instead of underneath the back glass, appears to have introduced some vulnerability to the device.

As always, handling the iPhone 15 with care and considering the use of additional protective measures, such as screen protectors and reinforced cases, can help mitigate the risk of damage to the back glass. Nonetheless, users should exercise caution and be mindful of the potential for a higher susceptibility to breakage when using the iPhone 15.