A whistleblower has asked FIFA to look into potential ethical violations by GFA President Kurt Okraku.

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In a complaint to FIFA’s Ethics Committee, a whistleblower from Ghana by the name of Akwasi Ossei Nkrumah requested an investigation into alleged violations of the FIFA code of ethics by Kurt Okraku, President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), as well as the possibility of criminal punishment.

Nkrumah claims Mr. Okraku breached five provisions of the ethics code, notably those pertaining to forgery and falsification, conflicts of interest, misuse of authority, duty of allegiance, and manipulation of football matches, in a thorough 17-page petition.

The petitioner claims that although the President’s passport lists his name as Edwin Simeon-Okraku, he frequently goes by Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku in official documents and other situations.

Concerning conflicts of interest, Nkrumah lists 24 people who, in his opinion, have close personal ties to the president and have been assigned to important posts within the GFA, which is against the rules of ethics.

Nkrumah further claims that, according to records received from the Registrar General, Kurt Okraku is still a director at both Dreams and Proton Sport. This, according to the petitioner, is against FIFA’s code of ethics.