Alleged car thief beaten to death in Awutu Bosomabena

African News

A notorious car thief met a fatal end at the hands of a mob in Awutu Bosomabena, located in the Awutu Senya District of the Central Region. His accomplice has been apprehended by the Awutu Breku District Police Command.

The incident involved two suspects, both residents of Nsawam, who had a pattern of hiring taxi services from Nsawam and then seizing the vehicles in the Awutu region of the Central Region. They attempted to carry out a similar crime by hiring a taxi driver from Nsawam and subsequently trying to snatch his vehicle near the Awutu Bosomabena village.

Their plan unraveled when the taxi driver, while under attack, raised an alarm. This alerted nearby residents and farmers, who swiftly apprehended one of the suspects. The mob, in response, subjected the captured suspect to a severe beating.

An eyewitness provided an account of the incident, stating, “They boarded the taxi from Nsawam, but when they got to the Awutu area, one of them told the driver he was picking up some of his belongings. Then, quickly, one of the suspects attacked the driver in the front seat, holding him by the throat.”

“The driver’s cries for help attracted some motorbike riders (Okada boys) to the scene. The deceased attempted to flee into the nearby bushes but was captured and subsequently beaten to death. The police were immediately notified and arrived to retrieve the deceased’s body. This particular area has been a hotspot for robberies, so the local residents remain vigilant.”