Adjetey Anang

I cheated on my wife several times – Adjetey Anang

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Ghanaian actor Adjetey Anang recently published a book titled “Adjetey Anang: A Story of Faith, Imperfection, and Resilience” in which he confessed to cheating on his wife with multiple women.

In chapter nine, “Marital Challenges and Imperfection,” Adjetey Anang discusses the difficulties in his marriage, including the seven-year wait for the conception of their first child and his cheating.

The well-liked actor, best known for his role in “Things We Do For Love,” freely admits that what began as a harmless activity with the opposite sex eventually evolved into passionate flirtation, occasionally crossing lines.

He wrote: “I must admit that I was somewhat naive at the beginning, oblivious to subtle amorous hints and perhaps too trusting of people’s intentions until it was too late. As time went on, I became more audacious, daring, and even adventurous, often initiating flirtatious conversations and leading many astray. I have found myself in compromising situations with women. Some encounters began with innocent admiration and harmless fun, but after prolonged conversations, they evolved into flirting that, regrettably, sometimes went too far” 

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Adjetey Anang is open about his past transgressions, admitting, “Yes, I have cheated on my wife, both emotionally and physically.”

He accepts responsibility for his actions and apologises profusely to all the women he acted inappropriately around.

“To each and every woman who has been part of this journey with me, I humbly apologize for my inappropriate behaviour.

Forgiving myself has been a struggle, and these experiences have marked the lowest points in our marriage, nearly tearing us apart.

I am immensely grateful for God’s grace, Elorm’s forgiveness, and the unwavering love that has kept us resilient during those dark times.”