Youth-focused agriculture programme launched in Accra

Business & Financial Tech and Science

Rethink, an initiative that seeks to change the mindset of the youth towards agriculture and agribusiness, has been launched in Accra.

The initiative will roll out mentorship sessions for young people to develop their ability on current technologies and best agricultural practices in the agriculture value chain. It is spearheaded by Siriboe Farms Limited, a project of the Office of the 2022 National Best Farmer.

It will also act as a platform for advocacy on behalf of young people in agriculture by encouraging decision-makers and business leaders to support laws that would give children more influence and ease their access to credit.

Strategic partners Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) all vowed their commitment to changing the landscape of agriculture in the nation during the initiative’s unveiling yesterday.

The initiative’s goal, according to Nana Yaw Sarpong Siriboe, the Chief Executive Officer of Siriboe Farms Limited and the 2022 National Best Farmer, was to revitalize the agricultural industry by fostering the development of a new generation of young entrepreneurs along the value chain.

He declared that the farms will endeavor to mobilize stakeholders to support the agriculture sector’s revival through the Graphic national development dialogue series.