Mr. Ali Ajami of Twellium Ghana elected as Vice President of Ghana Mixed Martial Art Federation


Mr. Ali Ajami was chosen as the Vice President for Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) in Ghana on August 12, 2023, at the prestigious Accra Sport Stadium. This appointment is important for Ghanaian society as a whole in addition to the sport itself.
Mr. Ali Ajami has devoted ten years of his life to Ghana, and he now views this chance as a way to give back to the neighborhood. Mr. Ali is driven to advance the sport because he is aware of the significant influence it can have on young people. He now wants to promote and dedicate resources to the expansion of MMA in Ghana. His passion and dedication to the sport are evident.

A platform that empowers people, instills discipline, and promotes a culture of healthy competition, mixed martial arts is more than just a game. Mr. Ali Ajami wants to provide our Ghanaian youth the chance to succeed not only in sports but also in life by improving the status of MMA in Ghana. His goals extend beyond simply promoting mixed martial arts; they also include developing a thriving, welcoming sports culture that permeates the entire country.

We can anticipate an exciting future for mixed martial arts in Ghana with this appointment. The leadership and industry knowledge of Mr. Ali Ajami will definitely propel the sport to new heights. We can anticipate seeing the rise of elite fighters, the planning of exciting events, and the building of a strong infrastructure for training and development thanks to his unwavering efforts.

Mr Ali Ajami was also appointed as Good will Ambassador for United Nations youth in Ghana, and serves as Marketing Director for the Giant manufacturing company Twellium Industries.